Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) in the industries.
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and its transformative potential.
Particle Swarm Optimization
Visualization of particle swarm optimization(PSO) in action.
My Google Summer of Code experience
The summary of my experience with Google Summer of Code and a brief recap of my work
Beta testing results
The results of beta testing RcppDeepState-action
Issue with RcppDeepState-action beta test
Solution for the problem that prevents the action from being run in remote pull requests.
Beta test RcppDeepState-action on GitHub hosted CRAN packages
RcppDeepState-action beta test on other packages
Provide a custom test harness to RcppDeepState GitHub Action
Guide to provide RcppDeepState-action a custom test harness for a function that cannot be analyzed.
Write a custom test harness for functions with unsupported datatypes
Guide to write a custom test harness for a function that cannot be analyzed because of some datatypes falling outside of the supported ones.
GitHub action's execution time
Description of the steps that I will follow this week to improve the GitHub action's execution time
Moving to a composite GitHub Action
Considerations review
RcppDeepState's GitHub Action considerations
An introduction to GitHub Actions and some consideration before writing the GitHub Action for RcppDeepState
Deterministic fuzz testing with DeepState and Rcpp
Make DeepState fuzz testing with Rcpp, deterministic. Solution implemented in the pull request \#6
Debugging Rcpp outside of R
A detailed description of debugging Rcpp functions outside of the R environment using Valgrind
Rcpp package fuzz testing with RcppDeepState
An quick overview of package fuzz testing using RcppDeepState
Introduction to RcppDeepState
An introduction to Rcpp fuzz testing using RcppDeepState auxiliary functions
Advanced fuzz testing with DeepState and Valgrind
An advanced fuzz testing description using DeepState in conjunction with Valgrind
DeepState introduction
A quick introduction to DeepState fuzzing library
Sample DeepState fuzz test
A minimal example of using deepstate to perform fuzz testing on a C++ function